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Five tips on how to prevent Mould from growing in your closet

The fragrance of mould is quite unique. However, not only will your clothes begin to smell, mould can also be responsible for ruining your most valuable and expensive items by leaving permanent stains that are often impossible, but at best, difficult to remove.

Use these five tips to prevent mould from forming. Remember to prepare your home to prevent that ‘post-holiday’ devastation when you return to find mould on your favourite items:

1. Leave your fans on Low to keep air circulating – Ensuring proper ventilation and airflow is an important step in preventing mould growth.

2. Keep space between your items –Where possible leave a gap between hanging items as this will assist air flow.  It is important to keep the inside of your closet dry to prevent moisture from collecting in the first place.

3. Clean your closets regularly – Every few months, move things out, dust shelves,  run the vacuum, then spray with Controbium Broadspectrum Disinfectant.  (leave the Concribium Disinfectant to dry).  Let fresh air circulate through the closet for several hours.  We highly recommend for best results you use microfiber cloths to clean. Regular application of Concrobium Disinfectant will form a shield and help prevent future mould growth.

4. Don’t ignore musty smell – Trust your nose. If the closet smells musty and mouldy, dig around until you locate the source. It may be growing behind the walls, so consider bringing in a certified mould remediation inspector.

5. Place moisture absorbers in your robes and around the bedroom. At Mouldgone we have a range of dehumidifiers called ‘Thirsty Camel’, these moisture absorbers protect your clothes, handbags, leather shoes and other valuables by collecting moisture from in the air. Thirsty Camels have a larger than average capacity to collect moisture,  are plastic free and biodegradable.  With the ability to absorb moisture for up to 2 months you are assured you have done your best to prevent the moisture from collecting in your robe and can safely go on summer break!

Use coupon code ThirstyCamel15 to get a 15% discount on our Thirsty Camel products. Valid till 19 June 2019.

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